Have you ever had that one friend, you were super close to. Whether it be a guy friend or a gal pal. Mine happened to be a guy friend. We met in 7th grade, when i went to go shadow at the high school i was thinking of attending at the time (and now am!). I hadn't been allowed to go outside for marching band practice with my person i was shadowing so i was pawned off on to, lets call him JT. Though i was only with him for one period (40 minutes) it was fun. I periodically saw him throughout the day due to passing periods, and he seemed to like me pretty well. As a joke i was his girlfriend, and we both played along. On that day i shadowed there was a pep-rally going on. So i got to sit in the band section with JT and my shadower. I was a very happy girl. After i was done shadowing, we lost contact for a while. Until my freshman year. Freshman year i was given fourth free, in which JT and a couple other of my friends had. I was ecstatic. I was so happy to finally be able to catch up with him. We talked a ton and our friendship grew. We became very close. When ever seeing each other in the hall way there was always some sort of contact, a hug, a high five that turned into a hand holding till we had to let go, or even a friendly smile. As my freshman year came to an end and spilled over into summer we still remained very close. Texting each other at least once a day most times more. Then JT got a girl friend, we still talked every day and even one time met at the park near my house. It was just a friendly meeting, and i gave him a bracelet to match my own. A symbol of our friendship. But as sophomore year began, something seemed wrong, we were growing apart. No more texting everyday, hardly seeing each other in the hallways. It was tough, but i learned to live with it. It became months span where we would go without talking to each other. And it hurt. I finally told him what was wrong and how much i missed him. I'm really hopping that this may be the start of putting our friendship back to some what of the way it used to be. JT if you ever do happen to read this, i want you to know that you mean the world to me, and that i love you and miss you everyday.

Our matching bracelet (this one is mine)
Me wearing JT's hat during homecoming week at the Powder Puff football game