(Nonnie holding me in the NICU )
For as long as i can remember i've always looked up to my Nonnie. She was the best grandma that anyone could ever have. As i write this i'm literally fighting back tears. I wish that she could be hear to see us. On May 20th she passed away, one day before my 8th grade graduation. Five years before her passing she was diagnosed with a rare disease called Amyloidosis. The year of her diagnosis, she went to Mayoclinic for testing. I remember being so worried that her and my mom (my mom took her up to Mayo) wouldn't be back for my brother and my birthday. I remember coming home from school and seeing a car in the drive way. I knew it was Nonnie's. Rushing into the house i was greeted with her standing there before me. That was the day i turned 11. When school let out for the summer of that year we put her house up for sale and began looking for houses that had enough rooms for everyone, and also a room for her so that she could live with us. Nonnie started Dialysis, and was put on a ton of medications, including Chemotherapy. Though The Chemo stopped on thanksgiving, after my mom and her brother, my Uncle had to rush to the hospital. I remember standing there watching so scared that she would die. She needed help walking, and my Uncle ended up having to carry her like a baby. We were left home alone for a couple of hours until my dad could come home. Upon all the testing they did they found out that the Chemo had caused a brain bleed in the nape of her neck. They gave her an approximate three more months to live.

(Florida Trip '08)
But Nonnie fought, she wasn't going to give up. She continued her Dialysis three times a week and was switched to different medications. Even though she was sick she still did everything a normal person did. She helped cook dinner, and on Sundays her delicious (and our favorite) Czech Dinner. I would get up early so i could help her make the dumplings and then we would carefully drop them into the pot to boil. After a while they were stuck in with the pork roast to cook the rest of the way. At dinner everyone always anticipated eating the dumplings. It was defiantly every one's favorite part of the meal. We took what would be our last Vacation to Florida the summer of '08.
On May 17,2009 the doctors told her there was a new type of Chemo that she could take if she wanted to. She agreed. But they didn't give it to her right away. They made her take home a pamphlet of symptoms that it cause and said she needed to read it first. So her and my mom looked it over. It had so many side affects that she already had. My mom told her she really shouldn't do it. It could cause so much bad things to happen. But she insisted on it. On May 19, 2009 she was given the new type of Chemo. When she came home form receiving it she said she felt great. When i came home and talked to her, she even looked great. There was a lot more color in her cheeks, then there usually was, and they had a rosy color to them. That was around 3 o clock. Around 5 o clock she had filled up a bucket of water to give to my dad so he could fill up the bird bath outside her window. My dad said as she was handing him the bucket of water she started to fall forward. He caught her and immediately laid her down. She was still breathing and had a pulse, but was passed out. He called for my mother. I've never ever heard my dad scream the way he did when he screamed for my mom. It scared me (excuse my language) sh**less. As my mom ran down stairs i ran down behind her. The site of Nonnie laying on the floor scared me so bad that i screamed and immediately started bawling. My little sister was beside me crying just as hard as i was. Taking my sister upstairs i hugged her as we both cried.
Nonnie came back to consciousness a couple of seconds after my mom was at her side. My mom told her that she needed to go to the hospital but she said she was fine. We kept a close eye on her the rest of the evening. When it came time for bed, i kissed her good night and told her i loved her, just like i did every night. My mom offered to sleep in her room with her but she yet again declined. My dad but the home telephone next to her beside with his cellphone already dialed in so all she'd have to do is hit send in case she needed him. That night i didn't sleep well at all. I kept having these dreams that someone was trying to tell me something. I finally woke up at 3 am panicked that something was wrong. I passed it off as a bad dream and went back to bed. My dad woke up at 5 am to get ready for work and when he went into the kitchen to turn on the lights he heard Nonnie's oxygen pump still running. Passing it off as she was sleeping in before getting ready for Dialysis he went to go and shower. Upon entering the kitchen to get breakfast he still heard the pump going. Going down he found her. He assumed that she passed at 3 am. At 6:30 i awoke ready for the 8th graders Fun Day that was going to be that day. We were going to go bowling have pizza then go to Funplex. at 7:05 i knew something was wrong. Laying in bed i waited for my mom to come wake me up. At 7:06 am i heard a scream my from twin brother yelling for my mother, at that moment i knew something was seriously wrong. From that moment i heard his scream i was out of bed in a flash, and i have no idea how i even made it to the kitchen.
From the moment i was told that Nonnie had passed away i let out a scream and then i was on the floor. I opened my eyes to my Uncle leaning over me. I sobbed so hard and for so long my eyes hurt. My cousins arrived and we hugged for comfort but it wasn't enough. My dad called the police people that needed to come. They paramedics, fire truck, and police all came. She was pronounced dead at what they said would be 3 Am.
I write this post as i cry. I miss you Nonnie You were the best ever and i wish you were still here. I love you with all my heart. I hope you are happy with Grandpa and your two children along with my Triplet. Happy Birthday. I love you so much!

So, so sorry for your loss. This time must be so difficult. Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteThank you. It is hard, but the knowing that she is happy in Heaven with her hubby and two of her babies, and the fact that she can now eat anything and drink anything makes me feel a little better
ReplyDeleteGrandmothers play such a special part in our lives and I know she was and is still is very instrumental in yours.