From the little about me section you can't really tell much about me so i'm going to give you guys a more in depth post (:
As stated, I am 17 years old, soon to be 18 on the 29th of April. I'm a pianist, guitarist, dancer, and photographer. I have played piano for over 10 years. It's my passion, a stress reliever, my life. It's what got me hooked on music. Now without music i feel like i can't live, i almost constantly have some sort of music playing. Whether it be from my headphones,
which my friends say i should just glue into my ears lol or my laptop, or even the radio. My choice of music isn't all that "normal". See, i don't really even listen to American music, and if i do its a few of my favorite songs, or mainly just Taylor Swift. I listen to Kpop (Korean pop). I
adore it. I found Kpop my Freshman year of high school. I'm not sure even how i came across it. I was just suffering about music on youtube and i came across a 'suggestion' for me called Wedding Dress by Taeyang. I thought it looked interesting enough so i clicked on it.I was surprised on how good it was. I enjoyed the music and proceeded to check out other songs by him. I also found out he was in a band called Big Bang and the first song i ever listened to by them was We Belong Together. Taeyang/ Big Bang opened a whole new world to me. A world of new music that even if you can't exactly understand everything they're saying, it's still amazing music. I began looking through different groups and fell more and more in love with the genre of music. I began researching Korea. Food, language, culture, everything. I became intrigued and wanted to learn more and more. I wanted to speak the language, know the food, emerge myself into something new. I began teaching myself Korean, and though it was hard i stuck with it. I'm still not that great at it nor will i probably ever will be until i get lessons, but from what i know i think its better then what most would be at.

I was a dancer at the age of 3. i was in tap and ballet when i first started, and as the years passed i added jazz in. Dancing has also been something that i enjoy a lot. Three years ago i started Point Shoe on top of ballet, jazz, and tap. And last year my class and i joined the dance company. We've moved up a rank this year in the dance company and will be dancing in the Finale.

I picked up guitar a little less then three months ago. It was something new, something i wanted to try. I had an extremely difficult time when i first started. I opted to go with Acoustic instead of Electric. My fingers were in a for something entirely new when i first started. It wasn't anything like pressing down the ivory keys of my baby grand, it was painful, to the point where i wanted to cry. But i kept going, i tried and played, and worked up small callouses on my fingers. A contest opportunity opened itself up to me a few weeks ago, and i took as a chance to test my skills. I wanted to see how far i've come, to see what i could do. The contest was for Big Bang, and it was for their new song Blue or Bad Boy. I chose Blue becuase that was my favorite song, and i set my heart to it. There were no tabs or sheets for it at the time i decided to start pracitcing. I had to learn by ear for both piano and guitar. Piano was a breeze, i'd been playing by ear for a while and i knew the song easily. Guitar was a whole other story. I'd never done a song by ear, much the less play it together with the piano. I sat for hours plucking my way through trying to find just the right chords that fit. After i found the correct chords, i practiced my heart out. I played for hours and hours a day. At one point i had played to the point where i had made my fingers bleed. And with that, i knew i would do this, i would record this song and submit it. And i did, i finished it within three days before dead line and it was up. Though i didn't make it to the top choices i still feel like i accomplished something great.

The first piano i ever owned was a small electric keyboard i got for Christmas when i was young, i used to practice on it before i was enrolled in lessons. When i started lessons i moved over to an electric Yamaha Clavinova. For six years i played on it, i'm not sure when i wanted a baby grand, but it was a few years after i'd been taking lessons. I remember always being told "wait till you get better." and i waited, i practiced, and i advanced in my lessons. Four years ago i got my baby grand during the summer, and it defintily is my baby. I adore playing on it, and it has the most beautiful sound ever. It's a black Young Chang. I started playing by ear three years ago, and about a year ago i have really taken off. I'm not sure what happened, but something clicked and i've now been able to pick up most songs with ease after sitting down for just a little bit and figuring it out.

I've always loved taking pictures. Up until almost a year ago i've used a point and shoot, i was never happy with my pictures, i wanted better quality and lighting. When i got my job i put all my money in the bank and left it there, i was saving up for two things, an ipod touch, and DSLR. i bought my ipod touch with my first pay check, and from then on i saved. When a camera shop was having a sale my dad and i stopped by to take a look, we were buying anything, or so my dad thought. As we browsed we saw a refurbished Canon 60D. Instantly i knew i wanted it. I had money, but not enough. I begged my dad, pleaded with him. To please let me get this, i'd do all the extra work i could. He could see how bad i wanted it, and instead of making me do extra work, he said we could split the cost. With that i purchased my first
so far DLSR. It became one of my most prized possessions. I took it out for a spin when i got home and took sisters of my sister. It was amazing, and i was in love with it. I've always loved my DLSR and though i want a new lenses i'm happy with what have. My photography skills still are only that of a beginners but as i practice more i can see bits of improvement.
With my job career i'm still not exactly sure what i am going to do, but i do know for sure it will be in Pedatrics. I love and adore kids. So far i'm still debating between a NICU (neonatel intesive care unit) doctor (i myself was a NICU baby) or a Pediatric dentist. I also know that when i'm old enough, and almost mature, whether i'm married or not, i will adopt. It's God's calling for me. Ever since i read my first book about adoption;
Digging to America by Anne Tyler i knew god was telling me what i needed to do. I've read countless books about Chinese Orphanages, and Guatemala, Ethiopian, and Korean adoptions. I want to volunteer in orphanages all around the world. Help all those kids with out a mom or dad, and love on them, tell them about Jesus, and care for them. I hope that soon i will be able to go on a trip to China or some country and help out in an orphanage for a bit.
I'm not sure what else i can write about, but if you think of any questions that you're curious about; please feel free to ask them (: