Saturday, September 17, 2011

Random Picture from 1st day of school {237/365}

I never posted this up when i planed to but here's a picture i took after i was done getting ready for school on the first day. 

Yah i was not happy to be up at 6 am

Lizard Tongue! {236/365}

I swear Morkie has got a tongue like a lizard! It's so long! hehehe

Dominoes {235/365}

When we were up at my Grandparent's house my cousin's and my siblings played Dominoes (:



Rainbow Note Crads{234/365}

I tend to color code my study cards, and i love ho pretty they always end up looking (:

Geese Over Load {233/365}

Ever since we've started feeding the geese it seems like more and more keep coming! We must have at least 50 geese that usually swim along hoping for us to come out and fed them. 

I've Been MIA for awhile! {232/365}

Goodness gracious! I"ve been gone for awhile! ): School's been kicking my butt lately and it makes it almost nearly impossible for me to keep up with the blog! D: So here's to a ton of catching up! (: