Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Snapshot: My Twin Brother

My Twin brother (:

As long as i can remember me and my twin brother have been like best friends. Though it may be because were twins i like to think of it as a special kind of friend ship. And all though we had our hardships we still work through it and everything turns out alright. Some of my best memories with him are from when we were a lot younger. I remember when we were about five years old we were really big into collecting Pokemon cards and we would stay up late at night ( 9:00pm haha) and look at them in my room cause i slept with a lamp on. And then when my dad would come in to turn the lamp off he would catch us and scare us to death. But it never stopped us, we kept doing it. As we've gone through school together we've gotten each others homework on the days they were sick, worked through countless math problems together, and did quiet a few projects together. We've automatically gone to each other to see what the other got on they're history test, or how they're english final went. And if one of us didn't do good were always there for each other waiting to comfort them and tell them its going o be okay. So last to say is, i love you Demetri and your the best big brother (by a minute!) that a twin sister could ask for. (: Even if you do annoy me with all your talk about call of duty and war games.

<center><a href="" target="self"><img alt="Ni Hao Yall" src="" /></a></center>


  1. What a wonderful gift to have someone you can always count's a wonderful day when we figure out our sibling is our forever best friend!
