Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Snapshot: Rainbow

I took this with a Canon EOS 60D 18-135mm lens IOS was on auot F 22
I did very minimal editing to this picture just slight adjustment with the curves in photoshop.

We finally got some much needed rain here in Nebraska. After a long drought, the rain was very much appreciated! It also brought along rainbows! <3 
Rainbows have become quiet special to myself and my family. When my Nonnie (grandmother) passed away, we'd asked for a sign, anything just to let us know that she'd gotten to heaven. The Saturday after she'd passed away my family and I were walking out of church and right above where we parked stretched a huge rainbow. No rain had come but there was still a rainbow there. We took that as our sign to know that she had meet Our Almighty Father and was now safe and sound at Home.

To see more great Sunday Snapshots click on the icon below and hop over to NiHao Ya'll! 
Ni Hao Yall


  1. Hi, I love the rainbow shot at an angle. Those types of pictures really catch my eyes these days. Pretty good for somebody who is usually black and white and straight up and down. Thanks for the birthday wishes for Joy. Somehow, argh, blogger wouldn't publish your comment and they went and lost it. Keep the faith!
