Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Snapshot: Skates

Can you tell what these are?
Did you guess it yet? Yes? No?
How about now?
What do you think now? (:
Okay well if you haven't guessed them yet, then here they are! :D
SKATES! Hockey skates to be exact (: I've been begging for a pair of skates since i went ice skating during Christmas break with my friends. And since there is a lake right behind our house i'd be able to use them without having to go to a skating rink. (or well at least until the ice starts to melt then i'll have to wait) So last night my dad decided to take me and my siblings on a surprise trip to Sports Authority. I knew we were going to get two hockey sticks cause we needed them, but i had no idea he was going to let me look, and try on the skates. So after many tries of different skates. Figure skates, girl, skates, and a bunch of different sizes in hockey skates, we ended up buying the hockey ones. And let me tell ya, i'm just one happy camper! Can't wait to go test out these babies (:

<a href="" target="self"><img alt="Ni Hao Yall" src=""></a>


  1. Congrats on your new skates!! Have fun skating on the lake and do post pictures!!!

  2. I was close, I guessed they were boots... but hockey skates are MUCH more fun!
