Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Picture Perfect: Hungry Hungry Homecomingoply

Yes, that was the theme of our homecoming. Hungry Hungry Homecomingoply. It was about most of the child hood games we played as a kid. (for all you peeps born in the 90's! :D ) This picture was taken at the Powder Puff football game. It was Junior girls vs Senior girls. Of course, the seniors won. The hat isn't mine sadly, it's a pretty awesome hat, but, it's not my initials. It's the initials of the guy i like, he will let's call him, GG (: I actually love how this picture turned out. Especially my hair. I don't really like the people in the back ground, but due to the lack of my computer not wanting to install photoshop, i can't edit them out. So with out further ado here's the picture. 

Click on the link below to check out more entries! 

Picture {Perfect}