Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Snapshot: Fishing

Friday night Mark was begging to go fishing, of course i was already in the scramble to get all these billions and billions of thousand page long study guides done for finals, so of course my dad was left to take him. Plus he's the only one who knows how to take the hook out of the fishes mouth. I could see them fishing through the back window, but couldn't tell if they were catching anything. Then my mom got a call from my dad and told her to tell me to bring down my camera, so i did. This was i saw.

And then seconds later a cry of victory from mark.

He was to excited to let me get a good picture the first time haha

Then i decided i'd stay down there and see if i could catch anything. And so i casted out, and waited. And waited some more. Reeled it back in and repeated step one. And to pass the time since i have limited patients, i took some pictures hehe

Fishing pole (:

My weird dad hahaa

Rocking some to small snow boots, due to the fact that none of us have fishing boots to go into the mud with lol

And after many playful nibbles from the darn fish that were so teasing! I finally got a real bite! Biggest one of them all (:

Yup (s)he's a beauty, for me, not so much hahaha

Heading home~

Hope everyone is having a wonderful and great Sunday! It's such a beautiful day out but i'm stuck inside preparing for finals some more, booo!

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Cute blog! You captured the day so well, great memories:)

  2. ahh, love fishing! haven't been in a long time but it looks like you guys had a blast!
